In late 2010, the Western Lake Erie Association board and membership voted to expand the waters served to all of Lake Erie. Therefore, the name is changed to Lake Erie Waterkeeper Inc. A new web site is under construction.
Lake Erie Waterkeeper Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your membership fee and any donations you offer are tax deductible and go toward helping the Western Lake Erie watershed inlcuding fish and aquatic habitat.
Your support insures an ongoing, growing voice for our Lake Erie watershed. As the health of this great resource affects us all, please ask a friend to join, too! Our Strategic Plan is available for your viewing here.
Helping our waters will not only benefit all of us today, it will benefit our children and grandchildren tomorrow. A healthy, sustainable watershed is a vital key to a healthy, productive future for all of us in the Lake Erie basin.
Memberships can now be purchased and Donations can now be made online with a credit card via Click&Pledge.
Thank you!

Western Lake Erie Waterkeeper Association
Western Lake Erie: The Warmest, Shallowest, "Fishiest" Area of the Great Lakes
To learn more about the Waterkeeper Alliance, click here.